Ok, let's move on to what we did in class yesterday. Look down below for what we learned..... plus see some additional cool stuff under the info!
˜Chemical Bonding
- Chemical bonds happen when electrons from one atom are attracted by the nucleus of another atom. - There are three types of chemical bonds:
Nonpolar Covalent Bond = electrons are shared equally.
Polar Covalent Bond = electrons are shared unequally.
Ionic Bond = electrons are transferred between two atoms.
˜Electrostatic Force
- Opposite charges attract each other.
- Like charges repel each other.
- The greater the distance = the smaller the attractive force.
- The greater the charge = the greater the force of attraction.
- Electrostatic force is a force that exists between charged particles as a result of attraction or repulsion. This force goes in all directions.
˜Ionic Bonds
- Metals tend to lose their electrons, then nonmetals gain these electrons. Note that these electrons are transferred, not shared.
- When nonmetals lose electrons = positively charged ions (cations).
- When metals gain electrons = negatively charged ions (anions).
- Cations attract anions, and vice versa. This refers to an electrostatic attraction.
- Ionic bonds are very strong and an enormous amount of energy would be needed to break them apart. These ionic compounds also have high melting tempatures.
- Electronegativity = the measure of the tendency of an atom to attract electrons from a neighbouring atom.
- In general,
Metals = low electronegativity values.
Nonmetals = high electronegativity values.
- The scale that is used to measure electronegativity is called the Pauling Scale. The scale goes from 0.7 to 4.0.
- High electronegativity values equals to high ionization energy.
- To calculate an electronegativity difference:
ENeg Diff. = |ENeg1 - ENeg2|
1) If ENeg Diff. <0.5
It is a non-polar covalent bond.
2) If ENeg Diff. = 0.5 and = 1.8
It is a polar covalent bond.
3) If ENeg Diff. >1.8
It is an ionic bond.
˜Nonpolar Covalent Bonds
- When two atoms have less than full shells are able to share to attain a full electron shell.
- Nonpolar covalent bonds are very strong and an enormous amount of energy would be needed to break them apart.
- Some compunds have negative melting points which would be: CH4, O2, F2.
- Intramolecular Forces = found within a molecule, responsible for holding the atoms of a molecule together.
- Intermolecular Forces = between the molecules, responsible for the bonding between molecules.
- Describes a molecule's electrical balance.
- If there is an imbalance with electrical charge, than a molecule is polar.
- If the electrical charge is the same strentgh, then it is nonpolar.
˜Polar Covalent Bonds
- Electronegativity difference. (refer to above)
- the atom with higher electronegativity = partial
(negative) charge.

- the atom with lower electronegativity = partial
(positive) charge.

˜Images, Videos, Worksheets

4) http://schools.bibb.k12.ga.us/16542091810856967/lib/16542091810856967/ChemicalBondingWorksheet.pdf
Ok, well I am done for today. Everyone enjoy your long weekend!!!! :)
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