Today in class we did Lab 5B!!! This lab was all about the different types of Chemical Reactions. Here is a detailed summary of the lab......
- In this experiment, you will first observe examples of each of the four types of chemical reactions (synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement). Next, you will write chemical equations that support your observations. Finally, you will classify each reaction as synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, or double replacement.
- to observe a variety of chemical reactions
- to interpret and explain observations with balanced chemical equations
- to classify each reaction as one of the four main types (mentioned above)
Procedure (What We Did):
*For every reaction we made observations before, during, & after in our Table 1.
- Reaction One;
1. We adjusted our bunsen burner to medium/high heat.
2. Using crucible tongs, we then held a 6cm length of copper wire in the hottest part of the flame which is the bottom of the flame (the colour is blue) for a few minutes.
- Reaction Two;
1. For this reaction we first cleaned an iron nail with a piece of steel wool so that the surface was nice and shiny.
2. Then we placed the nail in a test tube and added coppper (II) sulfate solution so that one half of the nail was covered.
3. After 15 minutes, we removed the nail and took down the observations.
- Reaction Three;
1. In a test tube we put solid copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate about one third full.
2. Using a test tube clamp, we held the test tube in the bunsen burner flame taking down observations.
- Reaction Four;
1. We let the contents from Reaction Three cool down.
2. Using a medicine dropper, we added two to three drops of water in the test tube.
- Reaction Five;
1. We filled a test tube with calcium chloride solution. Then filled another test tube with sodium carbonate solution.
2. Then we poured the calcium chloride solution into the test tube containing sodium carbonate solution. We basically mixed them together into one test tube.
- Reaction Six;
1. We placed a piece of mossy zinc in a test tube.
2. Then we added hydrochloric acid solution to the test tube until the mossy zinc was completely covered.
- Reaction Seven;
1. Filled a test tube with hydrogen peroxide solution.
2. Then we added a small amount of manganese (IV) oxide. The manganese (IV) oxide acted as a catalyst in this reaction.
3. Then we placed a glowing (not burning) splint into the mouth of the test tube.
*Lastly, but not least, we cleaned up the lab and wahed our hands! :)
- We did not have any time left in class to do the follow up questions and analysis of resulsts but we will do that during next class. And that was the end to our lab......
For Next Class:
- the homework for next class is to finish that online worksheet we were doing two classes ago. Remember we had to follow that activity online and answer questions about that on this worksheet.... well I hope you remember :o :D
Now for the fun + exciting extras!!!
* youtube:
* images:

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