Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 28

There are new notes on Sigfigs today!
Topic for today are Accuracy and Precision.

Precision is how reproducible a measurement is compared to other similiar measurements.
Accuracy is how close the measument (or average measuremen) comes to the accepted or real value.

Measurement and Uncertainty
-no measurement is exact.
-every measurement is best estimate
-except if we can count the # of objects

Absolute Uncertainty
-Uncertainty expressed in the units of measurement (not as ratio)

-Method 1: make at least 3 measurements and calculate the average. Absolute unit is the largest difference between average and lowest/highest reasonable measurement. (ie. discard unreasonable data 1st!!)

-Method 2: determine the uncertainty of each instrument. Measure to the best precision when making a measurement= estimate to a fraction 0.1 of the smallest segment on instrumental scale.
EX. ruler has smallest division of 1mm, so best precision should be break into 10 equal pieces over 1mm.

Relative Uncertainty and Sigfigs!
1). Relative Uncertainty = absolute uncertainty / estimated measurement.
 can be expressed in percent %
EX. 0.05 cm +/- 0.01
(0.01/ 0.05) (100%) = 20% relative uncertainty.
2). or use sigfigs.

We did the Equipment Measuring Activity sheet together. With each measurement, we recorded the digits until the uncertain digit and state # of sig figs as well as Acceptable measurement which we will cover next class.

 sig figs and accuracy and precision worksheet, Sig fig quiz on monday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26th

Significant Digits

What are significant digits?

Significant digits are, well, basically any number really. The number of significant digits that a certain value has is almost always equal to how many numbers there are in the value.

For example, 439 has 3 significant digits - 4, 3, and 9.
98963.4 has 6 significant digits.
11 has 2 significant digits, and so on and so forth.

Okay, are we done here?
Well done, smarty.
Not so fast. First of all, realize that significant digits include only the certain digits in a value, and only the first uncertain digit.
Let's take a value like 3.27 for example. We know that the 3 and the 2 are concrete digits that we are absolutely sure of. The 7, on the other hand, is a bit iffy. It could easily have been a product of rounding up (3.269) or rounding down (3.274). The significant numbers would include all of the certain digits, and just the first uncertain digit.

Only after the 7 do the digits qualify
as "significant digits".
Secondly, notice how the above values only contain non-zero numbers. The situation gets more complicated when zeros are thrown into the mix.
  1. Leading zeros do not qualify as significant digits: so for a number like 0.0045, there are only 2 sig. figs.
  2. Zeros that come after a significant digit after a decimal point qualify as significant digits: 0.500 has 3 sig. figs.
  3. Zeros that come after a significant digit, but before a decimal point do not qualify as significant digits: 8000 only has 1 sig. fig.


Give me four different numbers.







Couldn't have picked them better myself. Okay! Now we'll explore the four different rules of rounding, using these numbers!

What do you think we should round to this time, mmm?

To the tenths place would be nice.

To the tenth it is, then.

To round, first look at the number that's one to the right of the place you're rounding to. In this case, we look at the digit in the hundredth position.

  • Let's take the first number, 18.36. In this case, the hundredth position is occupied by 6. 6 is bigger than 5. If the number in the position that's one to the right of the place you're rounding to is bigger than 5, you round up. 18.36 ---> 18.4
  • Let's take the second number, 18.32. In this case, the hundredth position is occupied by 2. 2 is smaller than 5. If the number in the position that's one to the right of the place you're rounding to is smaller than 5, you keep the number the same. 18.32 ---> 18.3
  • Let's take the third number, 18.357. In this case, the hundredth position is occupied by 5. In an event like this, look to see if there are any more digits to the right of 5. If there are, you would round up. 18.357 ---> 18.4
  • Let's take the first number, 18.35. Now there are no numbers after the 5. In an event like this, you would round to make the last digit an even digit. 18.35 ---> 18.4
Adding and Subtracting

Didn't I do this in primary school?

Yes. Shut up.

Adding and subtracting is so simple it's ridiculous. Let's take a look at some examples and you can off on your merry way.

   72.456 mL
 + 87.222 mL

^ Here we have a simple addition problem. Do what you would normally do to solve for the answer.

Leave answers with
the fewest decimal
places possible.
   72.456 mL
 + 87.222 mL
  159.678 mL

Now, round using the previously shown method, leaving only one decimal place.

159.678 ---> 159.7 (because 7 > 5)

Multiplying and Dividing

Same goes for multiplying and dividing too. First, do the problem as you normally would, then round the answer to the fewest number of significant digits.

8.82 km x 4.1 km = 36.162 km ²

36.162 rounded to 2 significant figures ---> 36 km ²


The two significant figures worksheets :)


^ Originally had a neat music video for you, but right after publishing the post, it was discovered that the video wouldn't play. Boo.
So here's a tutorial on sig. figs instead. Skip to around 1:50-ish for the actual explanation; everything before that is just the guy drifting in his own little world.

Significant Digits

^ Quite a useful website. Has questions that you can do, with instant answers.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 19

Today we did lab 3B: Separation of a Mixture by Paper Chromatography

The purpose of this lab is to assemble and operate a paper chromatography apparatus, to study the meaning and significance of Rf values, and to identify the components of mixtures by means od Rf values.

For Part I, we set up the paper chromatography and prepare for the experiment. For Part II, we started with the blue dye on the chromatography paper. After 20 minutes, we are able to identify the solvent front and solute front and measure their distance to determine the Rf value. Part III is a similar process with two different dyes, one green and one unknown. Our task is to identify the components of the mixtures. The class as a whole recorded Class Results for Rf values as a reference. Finally, for table 3, we did the comparison for components of the coloring. The result for the green dye was yellow and blue by obervation and using Rf values. The result for the unknown dye (brown) was yello, red and blue.

At the end of our lab, we had time to do our lab report. As for conclusion, answer the question how to identify the components of a mixture. We came up with the answer to find Rf value first and compare with the standard value to match up the correct component.

Here is a link demonstrating similar concept of Rf value and the experiment of paper chromatograhy!

Our homework
  1. finish 3B lab report
  2. review answers online
  3. Chapter1 and 2 test next class (everything we've done so far, except safety)
  4. Bring scientific calculator

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 15, 2010

* Today in class we first took quite a bit of notes, then we got a review sheet to complete and last but not least we started working on our lab that we will do next class (Tuesday).

I will first sum up the notes that we took:
- We were introduced to Separation Techniques. There are many basic techniques that include: Filtration, Floatation, Crystallization & Extraction, Pistillation, Chromatography, Hand Separation & Evaporation, Gravity Separation, Solvent Extraction, and Distillation. Here are some pictures & diagrams to explain all of them in a simple way;

  Distillation (left and underneath)                          Floatation (right and underneath)

Filtration (left and underneath)  Crystallization & Extraction (right and underneath)

Pistillation (left and underneath)                     Chromatography (right and underneath)

 Solvent Extraction (left and underneath)                  Evaporation (right and underneath)


* Those pictures/diagrams should help you alot along with the notes that u already have. Now here are three videos that also go along with seperation techniques so now unfortunately you will have no excuse to not knowing the material:

* Now secondly, a reminder that you will have to finish the review sheet by next class (Tuesday) both sides but skip #7 !!!!

* Thirdly, next class we are doing a lab; expirement 3B - seperation of a mixture by paper chromatography. Remember to bring your lab textbook and to create and bring a flowchart of the procedure of the lab. And there are three tables to copy from the lab. Here is an example of what the flowchart should look like:     

* Thank You and I Hope You Had A Great Weekend!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13th

After checking the Naming Ionic and Covalent Compounds Worksheet, we went over how to name acids today!
This is mostly a review for last year.
  1. Acids = Hydrogen Ions and a negatively charged ion dissolved in water. (aq)
  • Ions separate when dissolved in water
  • H+ ion (Hydronium ion) joins with H2O to form H3O+
   2.   Naming Acids Guidelines
  • Simple Acids ( "ide" ending): Hydro + "-ic" + acid
  • Exceptions: Sulphide -> Sulpuric
  • Phospuride -> Phosphuric

  • Complex Acids-polyatomics( "ate" ending): NO HYDRO "-ic" + acid
  • ( "ite" ending): NO HYDRO "-ous" + acid
  • Exceptions: Acetic Acid = CH3COOH= vinegar
And this is about all we learned today~
Also, the "11"th name for covalent compounds was taught today which is hendeka...interesting to remember!

Homework is some practice on Naming Acids Worksheet
Practice Questions from the worksheet!
  1. H3P
  2. HCN
  3. H3PO4
  4. HCIO4
  5. H2SO4
  6. HF
  7. HI
  8. HCIO3
  9. H2CO3
  10. H2SO3
  11. HC2H3O2
  12. hydroselenic acid
  13. chlorous acid
  14. phosporic acidnitrous acid
  15. hydrofluoric acid
  16. perchloric acid
  17. carbonic acid

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 7th

Cations and Dogions proudly presents:

The Quickie Chemistry Guide to Writing and Naming Ionic and Covalent Compounds
(now with helpful images and great resources!)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Experiment 2B: Heating & Cooling Curves of a Pure Substance

* Last class which was yesterday (October 5, 2010) we did our second lab!
The lab we did focused on the heating and cooling process of a dodecanoic acid.

- Here is a quick intro to melting and coolng points:
Every pure substance has a melting point, a characteristic tempature at which it melts. This property of individual melting points can be used by chemists to identify substances. Likewise, when a liquid pure substance cools, it freezes at a characteristic tempature. Freezing points can therefore be used to differentiate between methanol and water, for example. Both of these are colorless liquids, but methanol freezes at -94 degrees celsius, whereas water freezes at 0 degrees celsius.
Here are some images that also explain melting and freezing points:

Now for a quick outline of the lab:

- Equipment; 
ring stand, buret clamp, hot plate, test tube which had the dodecanoic acid in it, beaker, 2 thermometers, and safety goggles. (lab apron optional)

- Procedure(s);
 There were two procedures for this lab, one the heating process next the cooling process. We did the cooling process first which was alot faster and easier. The procedures were......

- Experimental Results;
We had one table to record our results and observations (down below) and after we completed that we created a graph to show the heating curve and cooling curve of our acid. But we did not have time to finish our graph so we will complete it next class.
- Follow-Up and Questions;
Since I already mentioned above we did not get to completely finish our lab. We did more than half: we finished the experiement, the table, and most of the report write up but just have to finish these questions and the graph.
1. How would you exaplain the plaeaus in your heating and cooling curve?
2. Suppose the more dodecanoic acid had been used in Part 1. What would be the change in appearance of the new cooling curve? Sketch it.
BUT here is essentialy what our graph will look like....


                                              (Left) Heating Curve & Cooling Curve (Right)

- Video;
1. This video shows a science do a experiment similiar to what we did:

- Last but definetely not least:
Jokes to make you chuckle;
1) Q: What is the dullest element?
    A: Bohrium.

2) Q: Why are chemists great for solving problems?
    A: They have all the solutions.
3) Q: What is the difference between Chemistry and cooking?
    A: In chemistry, you should never lick the spoon.




Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd

Finding Out More About Matter
(source: Heath Chemistry Textbook, pages 25-34, 36-39)

As a chemist, you need to develop the ability to make detailed observations and careful analyses about the world around you. This is especially true when studying a subject such as matter. Some questions that might be raised during your course of studies are:

  • How do certain types of matter differ from one another?
  • How is matter changed from one form to another?
  • Can matter be broken down into further states of separation?

2-1 What You Know about Matter

Matter such as water comes in many different forms. It can be frozen as a solid, it can exist in liquid form, and it can be heated up and turned into a vaporous gas.
Water from different sources can look and taste differently, and have different boiling points. A boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into gas. All of these (colour, taste, and boiling point) are characteristics scientists use when identifying matter.

2-2 Purifying Matter

As a child, have you ever went outside after it rained and scooped out a bucketful of muddy water? Well, you might have noticed that after a few days, the dirt will have sunk down to the bottom, while the water still stayed at the top. This separation proves that the muddy water is a mixture - two or more kinds of matter that have their own identities mixed together.

Deciding when a substance is pure (one kind of matter only), or when it's a mixture can be difficult. Some methods used to find the difference between the two are:

  • Using a flashlight: the light shone on a settled mixture will be scattered; the light shone on some pure substances such as tap water will not scatter
  • Adding alum and lime: this creates a sticky substance that will attract all the particles in the water, leaving only pure water behind
  • Distillation: because of different boiling points, mixtures can be heated until they separate
Substances such as sugar or salt will dissolve in water. When you shine a light on them, the light doesn't scatter. Salt water or sugar water mixtures are called solutions.

A substance is only considered pure if there seems to be no possible way to break it down any further.

2-3 Characteristics of Pure Substances

Another way to distinguish between mixtures and pure substances is by their boiling points. As a general rule, the boiling point of mixtures gradually increase as time goes on, while the boiling point of pure substances stay the same.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule, such as a mixture of water and grain alcohol, which can't be separated by distallation.

The temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid is called the freezing point. The freezing point is the same as the melting point, when a solid turns into a liquid.

2-4 Chemical and Physical Changes

As had been covered in the previous posts, a chemical change is a change that sees new products with different properties being formed. A decomposition is a chemical change in which a substance decomposes to produce something new.

Physical changes are changes that are reversible and do not see new products being formed. If the change yields a substance that looks the same as the original, smells the same, weighs the same, and melts at the same temprature, chances are, it's a physical change.

2-5 Compounds and Elements

The difference between decompostion and distillation is that, since decomposition shows a process in which new products are formed, it's a chemical change.

Distillation merely separates two substances that are already mixed together, hence why it's a physical change.

Compounds are pure substances that can be broken down further. For example, water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Substances such as hydrogen and oxygen can't be decomposed. They are part of a group of elements which serve as the building blocks for all other kinds of matter.

2-6 Compounds Have a Definite Composition

The law of definite composition states that while mixtures can have any possible composition, the composition of compounds always remain the same.

The law of multiple properties states that different compounds can be made with differing amounts of the same elements.

Matter is Made of Atoms

Macroscopic observations are observations you can make with the bare senses. Some observations are smelling, seeing, and tasting. However, these rough observations can only help you so much. How can you explain what you have witnessed?

2-7 Atoms

If you take a sheet of paper and rip it up into smaller and smaller pieces, sooner or later, you'll come to the smallest piece that still carries the characteristics of the original piece of paper. That smallest piece is called the atom.

Since we can't see atoms with our naked eyes, we use coloured spheres to represent them.

2-8 Elements

Elements are pure substances that can't be broken down any further. Therefore, it can be concluded that each element has only one, unique type of atom. The atomic number is the number assigned to each such type of atom.

When a substance is in a solid form, the atoms that make up the substance are stuck together tightly. They don't have much room for movement, and can only vibrate at the most.

When a substance is in a liquid form, the atoms slide around more easily, but gravity still makes liquids take to the shape of their container.

When a substance is heated up, the atoms start moving past each other quicker and with more force. Eventually, they may break out altogether, turning the liquid into a gas.

Molecules are particles made up of more than one atom.

Atoms explain the different boiling points of substances. More energy is required for larger atoms to "break loose", so therefore substances with larger atoms have higher boiling points.

2-9 Compounds

Compounds can be separated further into its individual elements by using either heat or electricity. These two forms of separation provide the energy needed to break apart molecules and atoms.
Take water, for example. When water in its solid form melts, the molecules come apart from each other. The more it's heated, the further the particles break down. When water is heated into a gas, not only do the molecules break apart from each other, but they separate further into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, creating new substances.

Ions are electrically charged particles. Compounds that produce ions conduct electricity, and those that don't produce ions do not conduct electricity.

October 1st

For Friday, October 1st
1. Hand-in Lab-report on 2C
2. To add on to the matter notes, new notes: Law of Definite Composition, Law of Multiple Proportions.

Law of Definite Composition:
-Compounds will have a definite composition.
Ex. H2O will be H2O anywhere. (always have 2H and 1 O)

Law of Multiple Proportions:
-when 2 or more compounds with different proportions of the same elements can be made.
Ex. CO2 (carbon dioxide) -> C2O4 ( dicarbon tetraoxide/oxalate)

3. Also, we also copied The Heating/Cooling Curve of a Pure Substance notes

  • A. - solid state at any temperature below its melting point. Particles closely packed together. Since forces between particles are very strong, can only vibrate at FIXED position.
  • A-B. - as it's heated, heat energy converted to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy increases; molecules vibrate faster about their fixed positions; temperature increases.
  • B. -still solid (melting just beginning-solid begins to change into liquid); temperature remains same.
  • B-C. -exist in both solid and liquid states; temperature remains constant b/c heat applied to it is used to over the force of attraction.  Constant temperature= melting point. The heat energy that absorbed to overcome the intermolecular forces named Latent Heat of Fusion.
  • C.- solid has completely melted into liquid.
  • C-D.- It's in the liquid state. As liquid heats, molecules gain more heat energy and temperture continues to increase. Particles moves faster and faster because kinetic energy is increasing.
  • D- exists in liquid state. Molecules have received enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction. Some molecules atart to move freely and liquid began to change into gas.
  • D-E.- Exists in both liquids and gaseous state where temperture remains unchanged. Heat energy overcome intermolecular forces instead of increasing temperature. This constant temperature is boiling point.
  • E- All the liquid turn into gas.
  • E-F. - Gas particles continue to absorb more energy and move faster. Temperature increases as heating continues.
The notes will help with the experiment that we will conduct next class under the same name: Experiment 2B in your lab book.

4. The homework is a) to prepare a lab procedure flowchart b) Pre-lab write up for Experiment 2B.


All About Pure Substances!

^ A webpage explaining in detail what pure substances are. Colourful, and easy to read. :)