1. Hand-in Lab-report on 2C
2. To add on to the matter notes, new notes: Law of Definite Composition, Law of Multiple Proportions.
Law of Definite Composition:
-Compounds will have a definite composition.
Ex. H2O will be H2O anywhere. (always have 2H and 1 O)
Law of Multiple Proportions:
-when 2 or more compounds with different proportions of the same elements can be made.
Ex. CO2 (carbon dioxide) -> C2O4 ( dicarbon tetraoxide/oxalate)
3. Also, we also copied The Heating/Cooling Curve of a Pure Substance notes
- A. - solid state at any temperature below its melting point. Particles closely packed together. Since forces between particles are very strong, can only vibrate at FIXED position.
- A-B. - as it's heated, heat energy converted to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy increases; molecules vibrate faster about their fixed positions; temperature increases.
- B. -still solid (melting just beginning-solid begins to change into liquid); temperature remains same.
- B-C. -exist in both solid and liquid states; temperature remains constant b/c heat applied to it is used to over the force of attraction. Constant temperature= melting point. The heat energy that absorbed to overcome the intermolecular forces named Latent Heat of Fusion.
- C.- solid has completely melted into liquid.
C-D.- It's in the liquid state. As liquid heats, molecules gain more heat energy and temperture continues to increase. Particles moves faster and faster because kinetic energy is increasing.
- D- exists in liquid state. Molecules have received enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction. Some molecules atart to move freely and liquid began to change into gas.
- D-E.- Exists in both liquids and gaseous state where temperture remains unchanged. Heat energy overcome intermolecular forces instead of increasing temperature. This constant temperature is boiling point.
- E- All the liquid turn into gas.
- E-F. - Gas particles continue to absorb more energy and move faster. Temperature increases as heating continues.
4. The homework is a) to prepare a lab procedure flowchart b) Pre-lab write up for Experiment 2B.
All About Pure Substances!
^ A webpage explaining in detail what pure substances are. Colourful, and easy to read. :)
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